Human skill acquisition

ConsenSYS is a fictitious company that has made a name for itself in the production of integrated biochips since its foundation in 2012. With its latest chip ASSET, the company is pursuing the goal of revolutionising human skill acquisition so that skills can be passed on from person to person in the future. The advantages are obvious: on the one hand, it offers enormous time savings, since not every person on earth has to keep learning the basic skills for a fulfilled (working) life, and on the other hand, skills can no longer be lost over generations. The human skill library is thus constantly growing and only through this is the potential of humanity really utilised.

I created this work as part of the course Speculative Design. This course was about analysing the impact of design and progress and how both might develop in the future. Too often, new developments in the present have a negative impact on people in the future. Take social media, for example.

Software: AfterEffects, Illustrator